Madison Enterprises “ON-HOLD” marketing platform will help you increase revenue by cross marketing your products, programs, services and promotions. “ON-HOLD” marketing recordings function as a sales person to give callers a broader view of your business through an audio tour while they are ON-HOLD!
The key to business growth is to maximize sales from your current customer base. Statistics show it is easier to up sell an existing client than it is to gain a new customer through conventional marketing.
Our talented voiceover artists will help build your brand and image with our professional “ON-HOLD” marketing recordings. Script copy topics may include:
- Web Site Address
- History of Company
- Community Involvement
- Awards Received
- Knowledge and Expertise
- Hours-Address and Directions
- Ordering Information
- New Product & Service Introductions
- Trade Show Details
- Competitive Advantages
- Payment or Financing Options
- Web Site Address and Resources
Business-Industry and Retail Example Scripts
Boulder Nissan Partial Script
Buche and Associates Partial Script
Ellis Automotive Partial Script
FlatIron Crossing Partial Script
Karvonen’s Partial Script
Larson Tax Relief Partial Script